Artigos Científicos
“Serum malondialdehyde level in patients infected with Ascaris Lumbricoides”
Gastroenterol 2003; 9 (10): 2332-2334
“Ascaris sum an intestinal parasite, produces morphine”
Immunol 2000; 165: 339-343
“Soil transmited helminth infection of human beings”
Departament of Microbiology, Immunology and Tropical Medicine, The George Washington University, Washington, DC (USA) - Lancet 2006; 367: 1521-1532
“Human anaerobic intestinal “rope” parasites”
Alex A. Volinsky ; Nikolai V. Gubarev ;
Galina M. Orlovskaya ; Elena V. Marchenko
“Development stages of the 'rope' human intestinal parasite"
Alex A. Volinsky, Ph.D. ; Nikolai V. Gubarev, Ph.D. ;
Galina M. Orlovskaya, RN-C ; Elena V. Marchenko, M.D., Ph.D.
“Flora intestinal pode oferecer pistas para o autismo.”
Tradução livre de Luiz Jacques Saldanha, julho de 2013
Entrevista Especial com a Dra. Natasha Campbell-McBride, feita pelo Dr. Joseph Mercola
Colon Irrigation: Effective, Safe, and Well-Tolerated Alternative to Traditional Therapy in the Management of Refractory Chronic Constipation